FOURmation Resources
This page is still under construction. The resources listed below are an appendix to my master's thesis "FOURmation: Information, Formation, Transformation, and Deiformation as a transformative and wholistic framework for revolutionary discipleship in the 21st Century"
by The Rev. Richard Louis Nelson, M.Div., M.A.C.F.
Teaching for Information
Text-based resources
The Path by Forward Movement and the Exploring the Bible course A curated, excerpted version of the Bible which helps people read through the key stories of scripture. Plus the accompanying Living Discipleship leaders’ guide
The Story by Zondervan The bible in chronological order over 31 weeks, with text and videos
The Greatest Story by Augsburg Fortress An introduction to the Bible in 16 weeks as well as studies on Jesus and on Paul, with text and videos
The Bible for Everyone by SPCK Publishing a new Bible translation and commentary by two highly regarded scholars written in accessible form
Journey to Baptismal Living has a page with twenty different forms of bible study and guides for each at
Godly Play and Godly Play at Home A non-profit which uses open-ended questions and manipulatives to help children engage with the biblical story
The Spark Bible and Spark Story Bible by Augsburg Fortress Bibles for older children with helpful commentary and young readers with engaging illustrations told in a theologically age-appropriate way
Video-based resources
The Bible Project A Christian nonprofit group which teaches the bible and the narrative arc of scripture through engaging, animated videos, etc.
TrueTube A UK-based group which teaches about religious and social issues through a variety of videos on Christianity and other faiths.
The Chosen A highly popular and professionally produced tv series which tells the story of Jesus and his disciples.
ChurchNext free or low-cost videos from biblical scholars on a variety of topics, including scripture and history
Alpha A widely used curricula for churches which introduces the story of Jesus to those who might be largely unfamiliar and helps people start to find their place in the narrative.
Teaching for Formation
more to come
Examples: Being With by Sam Wells, spiritual direction, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, the Wingfeather Saga, movies such as The Lord of the Ring Trilogy and the Chronicles of Narnia,
Teaching for Transformation
more to come
Examples: Sacred Ground, Beloved Community Storysharing, LK and SKH both suggest secular service-learning resources be included
Teaching for Deiformation
more to come
Examples: following The Way, The CAC Living School,